La Trobe University: Committed to Promoting Gender Equality and Diversity!
乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)一直致力于推动性别平等和多样性,是澳大利亚大学中女性雇员比率最高的大学之一。
Committed to promoting gender equality and diversity all through, La Trobe University is one of the universities in Australia that have the highest proportion of female staffs.
日前,乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)获澳洲科学性别平等(SAGE)颁发的 Athena SWAN Bronze Institutional Award (雅典娜天鹅奖),以奖励大学在鼓励女性从事STEMM领域做出的贡献。
In recognition of its significant and ongoing commitment to gender quity, La Trobe University has received an Athena SWAN Bronze Institutional Award from Science in Australia Gender Equity(SAGE) for improving gender diversity in STEMM disciplines.
其实并不仅仅是在科学(Science),技术(Technology),工程(Engineering),数学(Mathematics),医药学(Medicine)5门学科领域,乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)在各行各业中,都致力于培养杰出的女性学员,让她们成为社会事业发展做出贡献的中坚力量。
La Trobe University devotes itself to developing outstanding female students in all walks of life in addition to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine, making them backbone forces that promote the social development.
Stephanie Woollard曾在乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)就读国际发展学士学位时,就积极地关注到女性在社会中的生存状况。
Stephanie Woollard focused on the living condition of female in the society actively when applying for her bachelor’s degree in international development at La Trobe University.
2006年,当Stephanie 在尼泊尔遇到7名因为残疾而无法获得培训和就业机会的边缘化妇女时,她就决心要创造一个名为“Seven Women”的组织。
Stephanie Woollard founded grass-roots social enterprise Seven Women in 2006 while studying a Bachelor of International Development at La Trobe University. Two years earlier, Stephanie had met seven marginalised and isolated women in Nepal who were unable to earn an income because their disabilities denied them access to training and employment opportunities.
Thanks to her perseverance, this organization which only provided simple vocational training and arrangement for the seven poor women at the very beginning has already set up four centers in Nepal over the past decade along with its greater influence,.
“在Seven Women的早期,我得到了乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)学生的“巨大支持”。Stephanie感谢道,“在那12个月里,我每周一都能招募一大群学生站在广场的摊位上,帮助我销售产品,为尼泊尔妇女筹款。”
Stephanie says she received "huge support" from the students of La Trobe in the early days of Seven Women. "Over that 12 months, I was able to recruit a large group of students to every Monday stand on the stall in the Agora and help me to sell the products to raise money for the women in Nepal."
“在乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)学习国际发展课程确实增强了我的社会正义感,并想在世界上有所作为”。
Studying International Development at La Trobe really enhanced my sense of social justice and wanting to make a difference in the world
Australia China Alumni Awards, one of the most large-scale and widely influential activities for Chinese students returned from Australia, evaluates candidates according to their education background, social influence, contribution to Sino-Australia relation, social work, model function and attractive degree for media, and its selection is rather fierce.
而来自乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)工商管理硕士专业毕业的王海燕最终荣获2018年澳中杰出校友奖中的女性领导力大奖。
Ms Clara Wang (Wang Haiyan), MBA graduate of La Trobe University, was awarded Alumni Award for Women in Leadership of 2018.
2004年,从乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)毕业的王海燕创建了开元传播(KAICommunications),并出任开元传播&全球人才创始人兼首席执行官,致力于促进中国与世界的商业传播和交流。
Ms Clara Wang set up KAI Communications in 2004. As founder and CEO of KAI Communications & Global Talent, she works hard to promote the business development and communication between China and the world community.
2019年8月23日,来自乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)的翁文芝被正式任命为玫琳凯(中国)有限公司总经理。
Katherine Wen (Weng Wenzhi) was officially appointed as General Manager of Mary Kay (China) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. on August 23, 2019.
She worked as the first operation staff, IT specialist, customer service staff, logistics worker, HR specialist and even safe guard at Mary Kay China. Over the past 11 years, Katherine has worked on 9 different posts, but now she is the president of Mary Kay China.
Under her leadership, Mary Kay is expanding its business to health, science and technology, beauty and other fields.
任玫琳凯亚太区总裁KK chua 这样夸赞翁文芝:“翁文芝孜孜不倦的职业道德、清晰的战略思维和建立长期合作关系的能力使玫琳凯中国的发展达到了新高度。”
President of the Asia Pacific Region KK Chua speaks highly of Katherine Wen that “Katherine Wen’s diligence, professional ethics, clear strategic picture and her ability to establish long-term cooperative relationship make Mary Kay China reach its new height.”
上述三位杰出的乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)校友只是乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)培养出优秀女性学员的一部分,还有许多乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)校友在各个领域发光发热。
These three outstanding graduates of La Trobe University mentioned before are just part of excellent female graduates that La Trobe University has developed, much more alumna are devoting themselves to every fields.
若为此对乐卓博大学(La Trobe University)心动,还想对它了解得更多,那么就请联系我们咨询吧!
If you are interested in La Trobe University and want to learn more, please contact us for consultation.
The contact information is as follows:
(Please give us a message for any questions. Our staff will reply in three workdays.)
